Guiliani  Version 2.5 revision 6773 (build 33)
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNNSmartPtrContains pointer class templates
oNStringOperationsProvides string manipulation functions
oCAnimationDescriptorDescribes a custom animation
oCArabicUTFConverterThis class is a helper to convert strings containing bi-directional text-parts
oCBehaviourDescriptorDescribes a custom behaviour decorator
oCCDataPoolConnectorConnects a GUIObject to the DataPool. DataPoolConnectors are used to observe values within the DataPool. GUIObjects, which are observing entries in the datapool must have a DataPoolConnector. A DataPoolConnector will be notified of changes to the DataPool via the OnNotification(DataPoolEntry&) Interface, and will notify its observers via the NotifyObservers (const CGUIValue&, const CGUIObject* const, const eC_UInt, const eC_UInt) interface if the value of its GUIObject changes
oCCDataPoolEntryA single entry in the DataPool. The DataPoolEntry class represents a single entry (unique id + a value/array of values) within the DataPool. DataPoolEntries are observed by DataPoolConnectors and will be notified of changes to the DataPoolConnector via the OnNotification(value, object, x, y) interface. In the opposite direction, a DataPooolEntry notifies its observers by calling their OnNotification(DataPoolEntry) interfaces
oCCFntWrapThe font wrapper base class
oCCFntWrapFreeTypeThis class wraps FreeType2
oCCFntWrapFreeTypeDirectFbFreeType font wrapper specialization using DirectFB surfaces
oCCFntWrapFreeTypeGLBase class for FreeType-based font wrapper using GL textures
oCCFntWrapGlyphLibGlyphLib (uGuiliani font) implementation of the Font Wrapper
oCCFntWrapGlyphLibDAVEGlyphlib font wrapper specialization using DAVE-API
oCCFntWrapGlyphLibGLBase class for GlyphLib-based font wrapper using GL textures
oCCFntWrapNullThe dummy font wrapper class
oCCFontCacheFontCache is the base-class for glyph-cache
oCCFreeTypeEnvClass for all common FreeType functions
oCCGfxEnvEGLWrapper class for the EGL interface
oCCGfxEnvFBDeviceImplements fbdevice-specific features
oCCGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2MImplements fbdevice-specific features for RZ/A2M
oCCGfxEnvSDLImplements SDL-specific features
oCCGfxEnvSDL2Implements SDL2-specific features
oCCGfxEnvWinImplements windows GDI specific features
oCCGfxWrapThe graphics wrapper base class
oCCGfxWrap_stm32f429STM32F429 implementation of the graphics wrapper
oCCGfxWrap_stm32f746STM32F746 implementation of the graphics wrapper
oCCGfxWrapBLUBLU-specific graphics-wrapper
oCCGfxWrapDAVED/AVE implementation of the graphics wrapper
oCCGfxWrapDAVECyclone5D/AVE implementation of the graphics wrapper for Cyclone5 using DRM
oCCGfxWrapDAVEHDD/AVE implementation of the graphics wrapper
oCCGfxWrapDirectFbThe directfb Graphics-Wrapper class
oCCGfxWrapeGMLThis is the eGML implementation of the graphics wrapper
oCCGfxWrapGLOpenGL graphic wrapper base class. This is the base class for all OpenGL related graphic wrappers (OpenGL and OpenGL-ES)
oCCGfxWrapGLShaderClass to load and use an OpenGL-shader
oCCGfxWrapNullThe null Graphics-Wrapper class
oCCGfxWrapOGLOpenGL (non-'OpenGL-ES') graphic wrapper
oCCGfxWrapOGLESOGLES graphics wrapper base implementation
oCCGfxWrapOGLES1_1OpenGL ES 1.x graphics wrapper implementation with PBuffer support
oCCGfxWrapOGLES2OpenGL ES 2.x graphics wrapper implementation with FBO support
oCCGUIGUI base class for any Guiliani application
oCCGUIAbstractBarBase class for bars
oCCGUIAnimatableBase interface for animation callbacks
oCCGUIAnimatedAttributeThis class defines a generic interface for attribute which are modified by animations
oCCGUIAnimatedImageDisplays an animated image in the GUI
oCCGUIAnimationBase class for modular Guiliani animations
oCCGUIAnimationAttributeThis animation controls an attribute
oCCGUIAnimationBlinkingThis animation implements a blinking effect
oCCGUIAnimationChainAn AnimationChain is a combination of several independent animations
oCCGUIAnimationHandlerThe AnimationHandler is the management class for animations
oCCGUIAnimationMoveThis animation translates a CGUIObject from a start position to a target position
oCCGUIAnimationMoveInOutAnimation moving an object into or out of the visible area
oCCGUIAnimationObserverThis interface is used to observe the status of an animation
oCCGUIAnimationSizeThis animation resizes a CGUIObject from a start dimension to a target dimension
oCCGUIAnimationStdGUIObjectGeneric animation of a standard object
oCCGUIAnimationTriggerThis animation triggers a command
oCCGUIAutoPtrGuiliani-implementation of an auto-pointer
oCCGUIAutoRepeatBehaviourBehaviour for repeating clicks on object Additional phases can be defined where the start-time of the phase is measured from the beginning of the previous phase
oCCGUIBase64Base64 encoder/decoder for Guiliani
oCCGUIBaseButtonBase class for button controls
oCCGUIBaseCheckBoxBase class for checkboxes
oCCGUIBaseInputFieldBase class for text input controls
oCCGUIBaseMessageBoxThis is the Message Box base class
oCCGUIBaseRadioButtonBase class for radio buttons
oCCGUIBaseSliderSlider base class
oCCGUIBaseTextFieldRepresents a simple GUI object containing a text
oCCGUIBehaviourCGUIBehaviour base class
oCCGUIBehaviourDecoratorGUIBehaviourDecorator base class
oCCGUIBitmapPlaneThe bitmap plane base class
oCCGUIBitmapPlane_BLUThe BitmapPlane Class for BLU
oCCGUIBitmapPlane_DAVEThe BitmapPlane Class for DAVE
oCCGUIBitmapPlane_DAVEHDThe BitmapPlane Class for DAVE-HD
oCCGUIBitmapPlane_eGMLThe BitmapPlane Class for eGML
oCCGUIBitmapPlane_FBOThe BitmapPlane Class for OpenGL(ES) with framebuffer object (FBO) support
oCCGUIBitmapPlane_GLThe BitmapPlane Class for GL with pseudo offscreen rendering
oCCGUIBitmapPlane_PBufferThe BitmapPlane Class for EGL with PBuffer support
oCCGUIBitmapPlaneDirectFbThe BitmapPlane Class for DirectFB
oCCGUIBitmapWriterThis class will create a bmp-file with the data of a bitmap-plane and save it to disk
oCCGUIBlendButtonButton specialization that softly blends between the button's different states
oCCGUIButtonButton specialization that uses images for graphical representation
oCCGUICalendarCalendar-widget for easy access
oCCGUICallAPICmdThis command can be used to execute specific code inside the application
oCCGUICarouselThis composite object arranges and animates its contained children in a "carousel" fashion
oCCGUICenterFocusContainerContainer object which automatically centers on the currently focused child object
oCCGUIChartThis control can be used to visualize multiple data-sources in line- or bar-charts
oCCGUICheckBoxCheck box that draws itself with images
oCCGUICircularSliderThis class represents a circular slider
oCCGUIClipboardA simple Clipboard wrapper
oCCGUIClockThis control can be used to display an analog clock
oCCGUIColorPropertyObserverThis observer provides the base-interface for controls when using color-properties
oCCGUIColorStringValidatorA CGUIValidator for a color hex string in the form 0xAARRGGBB
oCCGUIComboBoxClass for construction of a combo box control
oCCGUIComboBoxHeaderRepresents the header part of a combo box control
oCCGUICommandCommand object base class
oCCGUICommandHandlerManages and executes instances of CGUICommand
oCCGUIComponentManagerCentral component-manager
oCCGUICompositeBehaviourContains other behaviours and forwards events to them
oCCGUICompositeObjectThis is the Guiliani base class for all composite objects
oCCGUIConditionalBehaviourBehaviour for repeating clicks on object Additional phases can be defined where the start-time of the phase is measured from the beginning of the previous phase
oCCGUICriticalInstanceExceptionCritical instance creation error
oCCGUIDelayCmdThis command can be used to execute other commands after a specific period of time
oCCGUIDeleteNotificationClass that sets a local variable to True if the object has been deleted
oCCGUIDirectoryAllows accessing a directory, listing its contents and manipulate the contained files and directories
oCCGUIDirectoryPOSIXImplementation of CGUIDirectory for *NIX systems
oCCGUIDirectoryWinSpecific implementation of CGUIDirectory for Windows systems
oCCGUIDirInfoDescribes a file in the file system
oCCGUIDirInfoPOSIXImplementation of the CGUIDirInfo for *NIX systems
oCCGUIDirInfoWinImplementation of CGUIDirInfo for Windows systems
oCCGUIEasingA CGUIEasing can be used for Guiliani animations
oCCGUIEditNo-frills text input control, not to be used on its own
oCCGUIEditableTextSpecialization of CGUIText that allows for modification and selection of text
oCCGUIEventBase class for Guiliani Events
oCCGUIEventHandlerThis is the event handler
oCCGUIExceptionThis is the base class for Guiliani exceptions
oCCGUIFactoryInterface for streaming factories
oCCGUIFactoryManagerManages the CGUIStandardFactory and user factories
oCCGUIFakeMouseCursorSoftware mouse cursor
oCCGUIFileSysWrapAbstract way of accessing directories and files
oCCGUIFileSysWrapDummyDummy implementation of CGUIFileSysWrap
oCCGUIFileSysWrapPOSIXImplementation of CGUIFileSysWrap for POSIX systems
oCCGUIFileSysWrapWinImplementation of CGUIFileSysWrap class for Windows systems
oCCGUIFontResourceExceptionFont handling error
oCCGUIForeignInterfaceExceptionError from a foreign library
oCCGUIGaugeBasic gauge control, which visualizes values on a meter using a needle
oCCGUIGeneralResourceInterpreterInterpreter for general resources
oCCGUIGeneralResourceManagerSingleton of general resource file manager
oCCGUIGeometryObjectSimple control for displaying geometrical primitives
oCCGUIGraphThis control can be used to draw multiple function-graphs. Attributes for both axis and the visualization of data can be set
oCCGUIGraphFunctionThis class is used by CGUIGraph to calculate the necessary values for displaying the function-graph
oCCGUIGroupContainerThis control is used to group several controls together in a group
oCCGUIHotkeysBehaviourMaps key codes to object IDs and 'clicks' on objects
oCCGUIIconButtonButton specialization that shows a state-dependent icon
oCCGUIIllegalChildExceptionIndicates wrong child types for a specific parent (composite) object
oCCGUIImageDisplays a static image in the GUI
oCCGUIImageCacheImage cache base class
oCCGUIImageCacheImplImplementation of Cache for Guiliani image resources
oCCGUIImageCacheReplacementDummyDummy replacement policy for use with the Guiliani image cache
oCCGUIImageCacheReplacementFifoFIFO replacement policy for use with the Guiliani image cache
oCCGUIImageCacheReplacementGreedyGreedy replacement policy for use with the Guiliani image cache
oCCGUIImageCacheReplacementLruLeast Recently Used replacement policy for use with the Guiliani image cache
oCCGUIImageCacheReplacementManagerReplacement manager for the image cache
oCCGUIImageCacheReplacementManagerImplReplacement manager for the image cache
oCCGUIImageCacheReplacementPolicyAbstract replacement policy for use with the Guiliani image cache
oCCGUIImageDataContains information about an image loaded by CGUIImageLoader
oCCGUIImageDataBLUBLU-specific image-data
oCCGUIImageDataGLOpenGL Version of CGUIImageData for textures
oCCGUIImageDecoderBase class for the image decoders
oCCGUIImageDecoderBMPClass GUIImageDecoderBMP which loads an image and returns a pointer to a GUIImageData object
oCCGUIImageDecoderJPGLoads an image and returns a pointer to a GUIImageData object
oCCGUIImageDecoderPNGLoads an image and returns a pointer to a GUIImageData object
oCCGUIImageLoaderManages a list of instances of CGUIImageDecoder
oCCGUIImageResourceExceptionException class for handling the image resources It will report which image and what file have problem
oCCGUIImageStackA specialization of CGUIAnimatedImage that shows zooming and fading effects for image transitions
oCCGUIInput_STM32F429Platform-specific implementation of the Input Wrapper for the STM32F429I board
oCCGUIInput_STM32F746Platform-specific implementation of the Input Wrapper for the STM32F429I board
oCCGUIInputDeviceUnixReads input of the touchscreen, keyboard and remote
oCCGUIInputDeviceUnix_PowermateReads input of the powermate
oCCGUIInputDirectFbThis is the Input-Wrapper class for directFB
oCCGUIInputFieldInput field specialization that uses images for graphical representation
oCCGUIInputSDLThe implementation of the Input Wrapper for Linux
oCCGUIInputSDL2The implementation of the Input Wrapper for Linux
oCCGUIInputThreadDeviceUnix_MouseThread for Mouse event handling in Unix
oCCGUIInputThreadDeviceUnix_PowermateThread for Powermate event handling in Unix
oCCGUIInputThreadDeviceUnix_TouchScreenThread for touch screen event handling in Unix
oCCGUIInputWindowsStandard input Wrapper for systems running a windows OS
oCCGUIIntValidatorA CGUIValidator for an integer range
oCCGUIKeyboardA basic on-screen keyboard control
oCCGUIKeyboardBehaviourThis behaviour sends a UTF16 keycode to the Keyboard in reaction to a ButtonUp-Event
oCCGUIKeyboardEventRepresents platform-independent keyboard events
oCCGUIKnobThis class represents a knoblike-control
oCCGUILayouterAlignToParentThis layouter aligns an object to its parent
oCCGUILayouterAnchorThis is a layouter, which implements the "anchor"-concept
oCCGUILayouterGridLayouter for size-dependant grid
oCCGUILayouterListLayouter for list arangement, resizes to asscoiated object
oCCGUILayouterPercentageThis is a layouter, which resizes and repositions an object with regard to its parent
oCCGUILayoutHelperA collection of methods to help layout a GUI
oCCGUIListBoxContains list items and can be scrolled if there is not enough space
oCCGUIListItemA list item is a control that is shown in a list as an element
oCCGUILoadAnimationsCmdLoads animations and animation chains from a file and deletes all existing ones
oCCGUILoadDialogCmdLoads a GUI definition from a file
oCCGUILocalisationHandlerThis class is used to store international texts
oCCGUILocalisationTableThis class is used to store and provide international texts
oCCGUIMemLeakDetectionClass CGUIMemLeakDetection for analyzing the use of memory and detecting the memory leaks
oCCGUIMouseCursorHelper class for visualizing the current mouse-position on the screen
oCCGUIMouseEventRepresents platform-independent mouse events
oCCGUIMultiCmdBehaviourAssociates one command with each event slot
oCCGUINinePatchHelper class to for storing Nine-Patch images
oCCGUINullInputThis is the Null Input-Wrapper class
oCCGUINullPointerExceptionThis exception can be used to indicate the errors if a pointer is null
oCCGUIObjectThis is the Guiliani base class all controls are derived from
oCCGUIObjectStateBehaviourBehaviour for processing object state changes
oCCGUIObjectVisualsBehaviourBehaviour for processing object visual changes
oCCGUIObserverObserver Base class for Observer-Design-Pattern within Guiliani
oCCGUIOnscreenKeyboardThis class represents an onscreenkeyboard
oCCGUIOnscreenKeyboardLayoutLayout for an OnScreenKeyboard
oCCGUIPageContainerThis container can be used to create multiple pages of controls which can be swiped page-wise
oCCGUIPlaybackInputThis is the GUI playback input media, which records user-input for later playback
oCCGUIPlaybackSoundCmdPlays a sound when executed
oCCGUIPlotThis control can be used to display continuous data over time. It supports automatic and manual refresh
oCCGUIPointCGUIPoint class to hold two values (x, y) like a vector
oCCGUIPrimitiveButtonButton which constructs from other objects (ALPHA)
oCCGUIProgressBarA bitmap based progress bar
oCCGUIPropertiesThis class allows for the global customisation of controls without the need to derive specialised objects
oCCGUIQuitCmdQuits the Guiliani application by ending the main loop
oCCGUIRadialBarBase class for radial bars
oCCGUIRadialProgressBarA primitive-based radial progress bar
oCCGUIRadialSliderA primitive-based radial slider
oCCGUIRadioButtonRadio button specialization that uses images for graphical representation
oCCGUIRadioButtonGroupContainer for radio buttons
oCCGUIRangeHelper class to supply a platform independent range implementation
oCCGUIRangeExceptionThe exception is used to indicate the range errors
oCCGUIRectHelper class to supply a platform independent rectangle implementation
oCCGUIRenderTargetBase class for all platform-specific render targets
oCCGUIRenderTarget_eGMLRender target for eGML graphics
oCCGUIRepositionCompositeObjectCan reposition its visible children in different directions
oCCGUIResourceExceptionThis is the exception class handling resources
oCCGUIResourceFileHandlerClass for file handling in Guiliani
oCCGUIResourceManagerManages resource ID mappings for fonts, images, sounds, etc
oCCGUIRichTextText implementation which supports rich text
oCCGUIScriptedInputCGUIScriptedInput is used to simulate user-input via scripted or randomized events
oCCGUIScrollBarThe ScrollBar allows navigating controls which are larger than their actual visual representation
oCCGUIScrollingTextA specialization of the GUIText which implements text scrolling
oCCGUIScrollingTextFieldDraws a smooth scrolling text field with configurable speed
oCCGUIScrollViewContainer object which can be scrolled if required
oCCGUISetDataPoolCmdThis command can be used to execute specific code inside the application
oCCGUISetObjectStateCmdAn example for a custom command that changes the object states of an GUIObject
oCCGUISetObjectVisualsCmdAn example for a custom command that changes the object visuals of an GUIObject
oCCGUISingleCmdBehaviourExecute a command when a specific event occurs
oCCGUISliderSlider specialization that uses images for graphical representation
oCCGUISoundResourceExceptionThis is an exception class for handling the sound resources
oCCGUIStackUnderflowExceptionException thrown when read operations Pop() / Top() are called on an empty stack
oCCGUIStandardFactoryFactory implementation for Guiliani standard classes
oCCGUIStreamableObjectBase class for streamable objects
oCCGUIStreamingControlExceptionIndicates an error while streaming a control
oCCGUIStreamingExceptionBase class for all streaming exceptions
oCCGUIStreamReaderBase class for stream readers
oCCGUIStreamReaderBinaryReads streaming files written by CGUIStreamWriterBinary
oCCGUIStreamReaderXMLReads streaming files written by CGUIStreamWriterXML
oCCGUIStreamWriterBase class for stream writers
oCCGUIStreamWriterBinaryWrites binary streaming files
oCCGUIStreamWriterJSONWrites json-formatted streaming files
oCCGUIStreamWriterXMLWrites XML-style streaming files
oCCGUISubjectSubject Base class for Observer-Design-Pattern within Guiliani
oCCGUISwitchResourceSetsCmdThis command can be used to switch to other resource-sets during runtime
oCCGUITabClientAreaThis class contains the client-area of the tab-container it is on the same hierarchy-level as the button-box
oCCGUITabItemBehaviourBehaviour to switch between the children of a tab-container
oCCGUITabSwitchBehaviourBehaviour to switch between the children of a tab-container
oCCGUITextClass for handling a text
oCCGUITextFieldRepresents a simple GUI object containing a text
oCCGUIThreadThis is the base class for Guiliani threads
oCCGUITimerTimer used for timer callbacks to instances of CGUIAnimatable
oCCGUITouchScrollViewThis ScrollView implementation is optimized for touch screens and supports scrolling by dragging
oCCGUITraceGuiliani Trace component for platform independent logging of debug/error information to various targets
oCCGUITransitionBaseAbstract base class to transit from a source dialog to a destination dialog
oCCGUITransitionBlendClass to compute a blend transition from a source dialog to a destination dialog
oCCGUITransitionCmdTransits from a source dialog to a destination dialog
oCCGUITransitionDissolveClass to compute a dissolving transition from a source dialog to a destination dialog
oCCGUITransitionEnterLeaveClass to compute a transition from a source dialog to a destination dialog
oCCGUITransitionPushClass to compute a push transition from a source dialog to a destination dialog
oCCGUITransitionRotationClass to compute a rotation transition from a source dialog to a destination dialog
oCCGUIValidatorInterface for validators that provide checking and changing of user input
oCCGUIValueCGUIValue stores a single value in one specific type
oCCGUIVideoThis control displays video-files
oCCGUIVideoDataContains information about a video loaded by CGUIVideoDecoder
oCCGUIVideoDecoderBase class for the video-decoders
oCCGUIWheelDisplays a wheel in the GUI
oCColorValue_tStructure used to stream colors
oCCommandDescriptorDescribes a custom command
oCControlDescriptorDescribes a custom control
oCCSafeGUIObjectPtrSmart pointer to a CGUIObject which will automatically be set to NULL if the corresponding GUIObject gets destructed
oCCSndWrapThis is the Sound-Wrapper base class
oCCSndWrapALSAALSA implementation of the Sound Wrapper
oCCSndWrapNullThis is the Null Sound-Wrapper class
oCCSndWrapOSSOSS implementation of the Sound Wrapper
oCCSndWrapSDLThis is the Linux implementation of the Sound Wrapper
oCCSndWrapWAVBaseThis class is the base implementation for playing WAV files using low-level interfaces
oCCSndWrapWinThis is the Windows implementation of the sound wrapper
oCCTimerCallbackStructure to hold timer information
oCeC_TArrayStackAm array based stack container
oCeC_TIteratorClassic iterator implementation with operator++, operator–, operator*
oCeC_TListDoubleLinkedRepresents a double linked list template with header and tail node
oCeC_TSafeIteratorAn iterator that stays valid even if elements are deleted from the list
oCImageCacheItem_tList Entry for one Cache Item
oCLayouterDescriptorDescribes a custom layouter
oCListNodeListNode template class
\CTextTypeDescriptorDescribes a custom texttype