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CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M Class Reference

Implements fbdevice-specific features for RZ/A2M. More...

#include <GfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M.h>

Inheritance diagram for CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M:

Public Member Functions

virtual void EndOfRefresh ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGfxEnv
eC_Bool AddLayer (const LayerConfiguration_t &kLayerConfig)
void AddMainLayer (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID=0, const eC_Bool &bCached=false)
eC_UByte ApplyGlobalAlpha (const eC_UByte &ubAlpha) const
virtual void DeInitDisplay ()
eC_UInt GetActiveLayerID () const
virtual eC_UByte GetBPP () const
virtual eC_UInt GetBufferCount () const
eC_UByte GetBytesPerPixel (const CGUICommonEnums::ImageType_t &ePixFormat) const
GetColorFormat () const
void * GetDisplayBuffer (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID) const
eC_UByte GetGlobalAlpha () const
virtual eC_UInt GetHeight () const
eC_UByte GetLayerAlpha (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID) const
eC_Bool GetLayerBufferSize (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, eC_UInt &uiWidth, eC_UInt &uiHeight, eC_UByte &ubBPP)
eC_Bool GetLayerChromaKey (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, eC_Bool &bChromaKeyActive, eC_UInt &uiChromaKey, eC_UByte &ubAlpha) const
eC_Bool GetLayerConfig (const eC_UInt &uiLayerIndex, LayerConfiguration_t &rkLayerConfig) const
eC_Bool GetLayerConfigForID (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, LayerConfiguration_t &rkLayerConfig) const
eC_Bool GetLayerConfigForMainLayer (LayerConfiguration_t &rkLayerConfig) const
eC_Bool GetLayerIndexForID (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, eC_UInt &ruiLayerIndex) const
eC_Bool GetLayerPosition (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, eC_Int &iXPos, eC_Int &iYPos)
eC_Bool GetLayerVisibleSize (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, eC_UInt &uiWidth, eC_UInt &uiHeight)
eC_UInt GetMainLayerID () const
virtual void * GetMergeBuffer () const
eC_UInt GetNumberOfLayers () const
void * GetRenderBuffer (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID) const
virtual SurfaceMode_t GetSurfaceMode () const
virtual eC_UInt GetWidth () const
virtual eC_UInt InitDisplay ()
void InitLayers ()
void InvalidateLayer (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID)
eC_Bool IsLayerModified (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID) const
eC_Bool IsLayerVisible (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID) const
eC_Bool IsMainLayer (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID) const
virtual eC_Bool IsNull ()
virtual eC_Bool IsResizable () const
virtual eC_Bool IsVSyncEnabled () const
virtual eC_Bool NeedsManualMerge () const
virtual eC_Bool RefreshScreen (const eC_TListDoubleLinked< CGUIRect > &kInvalidatedRectList)
eC_Bool SetActiveLayerID (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, const eC_Bool &bMarkAsModified=false)
virtual void SetDevice (void *pkDevice)
void SetGfxWrap (CGfxWrap *pkGfxWrap)
void SetGlobalAlpha (const eC_UByte &ubGlobalAlpha)
eC_Bool SetLayerAlpha (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha)
eC_Bool SetLayerChromaKey (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, const eC_Bool &bChromaKeyActive, const eC_UInt &uiChromaKey, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha)
eC_Bool SetLayerPosition (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, const eC_Int &iXPos, const eC_Int &iYPos)
eC_Bool SetLayerVisible (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, const eC_Bool &bVisible)
eC_Bool SetLayerVisiblePos (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, const eC_Int &iXPos, const eC_Int &iYPos)
eC_Bool SetLayerVisibleSize (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight)
void SetMainLayerID (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID)
void SetMainLayerProperties (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, const eC_Bool &bCached)
void SetObjectForLayerID (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, CGUIObject *pkObject)
virtual void SetScreenSize (const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight)
virtual void SetVSyncEnabled (const eC_Bool &bVSyncEnabled)
virtual void StartOfRefresh ()
virtual eC_Bool SupportsCopy () const
virtual void UpdateLayer (const LayerConfiguration_t &kLayerConfig, const LayerUpdate_t &eUpdateReason)
virtual eC_Bool UpdateLayerBuffers (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID, void *pkRenderBuffer, void *pkDisplayBuffer, const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight)
void UpdateLayerPositions ()

Static Public Member Functions

static eC_Bool CreateInstance (const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight, const eC_UInt &uiBufferCount=1, const eC_Bool &bResizable=false, char *pkDeviceName="/dev/fb0")
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CGfxEnv
static eC_Bool CreateInstance (const SurfaceMode_t &eSurfaceMode, const CGUICommonEnums::ImageType_t &eScreenFormat, const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight, const eC_UInt &uiBufferCount=1, void **ppkBuffers=NULL, const eC_Bool &bResizable=false)
static void DeleteInstance ()
 called to destroy and detach GfxEnv

Protected Member Functions

 CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M (const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight, const eC_UInt &uiBufferCount, const eC_Bool &bResizable, char *pkDeviceName)
virtual ~CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M ()
virtual void ** GetFrameBuffers () const
virtual eC_Bool IsCreated () const
virtual eC_Bool RefreshScreen (const CGUIRect &kInvalidatedArea)
virtual void SetCliprect (const CGUIRect &NewClipRect)
virtual void SetWindowCaption (const eC_String &kCaption)
virtual eC_Bool SwapBuffers ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CGfxEnv
 CGfxEnv (const SurfaceMode_t &eSurfaceMode, const CGUICommonEnums::ImageType_t &eScreenFormat, const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight, const eC_UInt &uiBufferCount=1, void **ppkBuffers=NULL, const eC_Bool &bResizable=false)
virtual ~CGfxEnv ()
eC_UByte GetBPPFromScreenFormat () const
virtual void InitLayer (const LayerConfiguration_t &kLayerConfig)
void UpdateMainLayer (const CGUICommonEnums::ImageType_t &eColorFormat, const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight, const eC_UInt &uiBufferCount, void **ppkBuffers)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CGfxEnv
enum  SurfaceMode_t { SM_OPENGL, SM_FRAMEBUFFER }
- Protected Attributes inherited from CGfxEnv
eC_TArray< LayerConfiguration_tm_akLayers
 : *DCLayer_t, one DCLayer_t struct per layer storing general settings
eC_Bool m_bNeedsManualMerge
 if supports merge
eC_Bool m_bResizable
eC_Bool m_bSupportsCopy
 if supports copy
eC_Bool m_bVSyncEnabled
 if vsync is enabled
CGUICommonEnums::ImageType_t m_eColorFormat
SurfaceMode_t m_eSurfaceMode
 surface mode
eC_Int m_iMainLayerID
 id of main-layer
 pointer to GfxWrapper
void ** m_ppkBuffers
 buffers for the main-screen
eC_UByte m_ubBPP
 BPP of the surface.
eC_UByte m_ubGlobalAlpha
 global alpha for blending
eC_UInt m_uiActiveLayerID
 : unsigned int = Active Layer
eC_UInt m_uiActiveLayerIndex
 index of currentl< active layer
eC_UInt m_uiBufferCount
 number of buffers used
eC_UInt m_uiHeight
 height of the surface
eC_UInt m_uiWidth
 width of the surface

Detailed Description

Implements fbdevice-specific features for RZ/A2M.

This class implements the fbdevice-specific features, which may be used in different graphic wrappers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M ( const eC_UInt &  uiWidth,
const eC_UInt &  uiHeight,
const eC_UInt &  uiBufferCount,
const eC_Bool &  bResizable,
char *  pkDeviceName 


uiBufferCountnumber of buffers
bResizabletrue if resizable
pkDeviceNamename of the device
virtual CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::~CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M ( )


Member Function Documentation

static eC_Bool CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::CreateInstance ( const eC_UInt &  uiWidth,
const eC_UInt &  uiHeight,
const eC_UInt &  uiBufferCount = 1,
const eC_Bool &  bResizable = false,
char *  pkDeviceName = "/dev/fb0" 

Create instance

uiBufferCountnumber of buffers
bResizabletrue if resizable
pkDeviceNamename of the device
true if successful
virtual void CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::EndOfRefresh ( )

This will be called when all layers have been refreshed. To wait for V-sync this would be the right place.

Reimplemented from CGfxEnv.

virtual void** CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::GetFrameBuffers ( ) const

return the used framebuffer if any

framebuffer or NULL

Reimplemented from CGfxEnv.

virtual eC_Bool CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::IsCreated ( ) const

Is surface created

true if created

Reimplemented from CGfxEnv.

virtual eC_Bool CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::RefreshScreen ( const CGUIRect rkInvalidatedArea)

Refresh the screen within the given invalidate area. This can be used to copy regions of the display-buffer to the drawing-buffer

rkInvalidatedAreaThis area will be refreshed.
True if OK

Reimplemented from CGfxEnv.

virtual void CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::SetCliprect ( const CGUIRect rkNewClipRect)

Set the clip rectangle.

rkNewClipRectThe new clipping rectangle.

Reimplemented from CGfxEnv.

virtual void CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::SetWindowCaption ( const eC_String &  kCaption)

Set the window caption


Reimplemented from CGfxEnv.

virtual eC_Bool CGfxEnvFBDeviceRZA2M::SwapBuffers ( )

Swap buffers

true if successful

Reimplemented from CGfxEnv.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: