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CGfxWrapeGML Class Reference

This is the eGML implementation of the graphics wrapper. More...

#include <GfxWrapeGML.h>

Inheritance diagram for CGfxWrapeGML:


struct  ScreenConfig_t

Public Member Functions

virtual void Arc (const eC_Value &vX1, const eC_Value &vY1, const eC_Value &vX2, const eC_Value &vY2, const eC_Value &vStartAngle, const eC_Value &vEndAngle, const eC_Value &vRotationAngle, const eC_Bool &bFilled)
virtual void CreateScreen ()
virtual void DestroyScreen ()
 Method to clean and release the screen which was created via the CreateScreen Method.
virtual eC_Bool DrawToScreen ()
virtual void Ellipse (const eC_Value &vAbsX1, const eC_Value &vAbsY1, const eC_Value &vAbsX2, const eC_Value &vAbsY2, const eC_Bool &bFilled)
virtual void FilledRect (const eC_Value &vX1, const eC_Value &vY1, const eC_Value &vX2, const eC_Value &vY2)
eC_Flag GetBlitFlags () const
virtual eImg_Bitmap * GetImage (const ImageResource_t &eID)
virtual eC_UInt GetPhysicalScreenHeight ()
virtual eC_UInt GetPhysicalScreenWidth ()
eGML_Bitmap * GetRenderBitmap ()
eGML_Screen * GetScreen (void)
virtual eC_UInt GetVirtualScreenHeight ()
virtual eC_UInt GetVirtualScreenWidth ()
virtual eC_Bool ImageExists (const ImageResource_t eID) const
virtual void Line (const eC_Value &vX1, const eC_Value &vY1, const eC_Value &vX2, const eC_Value &vY2)
 the following methods are protected to prevent calling them directly More...
virtual void Rect (const eC_Value &vX1, const eC_Value &vY1, const eC_Value &vX2, const eC_Value &vY2)
virtual eC_Bool Refresh (const RefreshCall_t eRefreshCallType)
virtual void Ring (const eC_Value &vX1, const eC_Value &vY1, const eC_Value &vX2, const eC_Value &vY2, const eC_Value &vRingWidth, const eC_Value &vStartAngle, const eC_Value &vEndAngle, const eC_Value &vRotationAngle, const eC_Bool &bFilled)
void SetBlitFlags (eC_Flag uiFlags)
virtual void SetCliprect (const CGUIRect &NewAbsClipRect)
virtual void SetFilteredBlit (const eC_Bool &bFilteredBlit)
virtual void SetForegroundColorImpl (const eC_UByte &ubRed, const eC_UByte &ubGreen, const eC_UByte &ubBlue, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255)
virtual eC_Value SetLineWidth (const eC_Value &vWidth)
virtual void SetOptimizedBlit (const eC_Bool &bOptimizedBlit)
void SetRenderBitmap (eGML_Bitmap *pRenderBitmap)
void SetSubpixelEnabled (const eC_Bool bEnabled)
void SetTargetLayer (const eC_UInt &uiLayerID)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGfxWrap
void ForceRefresh ()
eC_Bool GetDoubleBufferingEnforcesFlipping ()
virtual eC_UInt GetNOFImages ()
CGUICommonEnums::ImageType_t GetScreenFormat () const
virtual eC_UInt GetScreenHorizontalPPI () const
virtual eC_UInt GetScreenVerticalPPI () const
virtual eC_UByte * GetWorkingMemory (const eC_UInt &uiSize)
eC_String GetWrapperName () const
virtual void ReleaseWorkingMemory (eC_UByte *pkMemory)
virtual void ResetWorkingMemory ()
virtual void RestoreWrapperState ()
void SetDoubleBufferingEnforcesFlipping (const eC_Bool bDoubleBufferingEnforcesFlipping)
void SetGfxEnv (CGfxEnv *pkGfxEnv)
void SetScreenFormat (const CGUICommonEnums::ImageType_t &uiScreenFormat)
virtual void SetScreenSize (const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight)
virtual void SetWindowCaption (const eC_String &kText)
virtual void StoreWrapperState ()
virtual void SyncWorkingMemory ()
void SetForegroundColor (const eC_UByte &ubRed, const eC_UByte &ubGreen, const eC_UByte &ubBlue, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255)
void SetForegroundColor (const eC_UInt &uiCol)
void UpdateGlobalAlpha (const eC_UByte &ubAlpha)
void SetGlobalAlpha (const eC_UByte &ubAlpha)
eC_UInt GetForegroundColor () const
eC_UByte GetGlobalAlpha () const
eC_UByte ApplyGlobalAlpha (const eC_UByte ubAlpha) const
void Line (const CGUIRect &kAbsRect)
void Rect (const CGUIRect &kAbsRect)
void FilledRect (const CGUIRect &kAbsRect)
void Ellipse (const CGUIRect &kAbsRect, const eC_Bool &bFilled)
void Arc (const CGUIRect &kAbsRect, const eC_Value &vStartAngle, const eC_Value &vEndAngle, const eC_Value &vRotationAngle, const eC_Bool &bFilled)
void Ring (const CGUIRect &kAbsRect, const eC_Value &vRingWidth, const eC_Value &vStartAngle, const eC_Value &vEndAngle, const eC_Value &vRotationAngle, const eC_Bool &bFilled)
void Text (const eC_Value &vAbsX1, const eC_Value &vAbsY1, const eC_String *const lpString)
virtual void RedrawGUI ()
virtual void ResetCliprect ()
 Resets the clipping rectangle.
virtual void GetCliprect (CGUIRect &AbsClipRect) const
void InvalidateRect (const CGUIRect &kInvalidRect)
void InvalidateRect (const eC_Value &vAbsX1, const eC_Value &vAbsY1, const eC_Value &vAbsX2, const eC_Value &vAbsY2)
const CGUIRectGetInvalidatedRect () const
virtual void ClearInvalidRect ()
void BlitImg (const ImageResource_t &eID, const eC_Value &vAbsDestX, const eC_Value &vAbsDestY)
void BlitImg (const CGUIImageData &kImageData, const eC_Value &vAbsDestX, const eC_Value &vAbsDestY)
void BlitImgExt (const ImageResource_t &eID, const eC_Value &vAbsDestX, const eC_Value &vAbsDestY, const eC_Value &vWidth, const eC_Value &vHeight, const eC_Bool &bStretch=true, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255)
virtual void BlitImgNinePatch (const ImageResource_t &eID, const CGUIRect &kAbsRect, const eC_UInt uiTopBorder, const eC_UInt uiBottomBorder, const eC_UInt uiLeftBorder, const eC_UInt uiRightBorder, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255)
void BlitImgNinePatch (const ImageResource_t &eID, const CGUIRect &kAbsRect, const CGUINinePatch &kNinePatch, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255)
void BlitImgExt (const ImageResource_t &eID, const CGUIRect &kAbsRect, const eC_Bool &bStretch=true, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255)
void BlitImgExt (const ImageResource_t &eID, const CGUIRect &kSrcAbsRect, const CGUIRect &kDstAbsRect, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255)
void BlitImgExt (const ImageResource_t &eID, const eC_UInt &uiAbsSrcX, const eC_UInt &uiAbsSrcY, const eC_UInt &uiSrcWidth, const eC_UInt &uiSrcHeight, const eC_Value &vAbsDestX, const eC_Value &vAbsDestY, const eC_Value &vDestWidth, const eC_Value &vDestHeight, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255, const eC_Value &vAngle=eC_FromFloat(0), const eC_Value &vRotCenterX=eC_FromFloat(0.5), const eC_Value &vRotCenterY=eC_FromFloat(0.5))
eC_UInt GetImgWidth (const ImageResource_t &eID) const
eC_UInt GetImgHeight (const ImageResource_t &eID) const
CGUIRect GetImgOriginRect (const ImageResource_t &eID) const
void SetFont (const FontResource_t &eID)
void SetFontSpacing (const eC_Float &fSpacing)
void RequiredSpace (const eC_String *const pkText, eC_Value &vWidth, eC_Value &vHeight)
void FittingNumChars (const eC_String *const pkText, eC_Value vWidthMax, eC_UInt &uiNumChars, const eC_Bool &bStartAtEnd=false)
eC_Int GetAscender () const
eC_Int GetDescender () const
eC_Int GetInternalLeading () const
void GetGlyphMetrics (const eC_Char cChar, CFntWrap::GlyphMetrics_t &kMetrics)
eC_Value GetTextXPosAdjustment (const CGUIText::HorAligned_t eHorAlignment)
eC_Value GetTextYPosAdjustment (const CGUIText::VerAligned_t eVerAlignment)
eC_Bool SetNOFFonts (const eC_UInt uiNOFFonts)
eC_UInt GetNOFFonts ()
void ChangeFont (const FontResource_t &eFontID, const eC_Char *const pcPath, const eC_UInt &uiFontSize, const CFntWrap::GUIFont_t &eFontStyle)
void LoadFont (const FontResource_t &eFontID)
void UnloadFont (const FontResource_t &eFontID)
virtual eC_Bool SupportCompressedFonts () const
virtual void LoadGlyphData (CGUIImageData *pkImageData, const eC_UInt &uiGlyphWidth, const eC_UInt &uiGlyphHeight, eC_UByte *pkGlyphBitmap)
virtual void UnloadGlyphData (CGUIImageData *pkImageData)
virtual eC_Bool DrawToBitmap (GUIBitmapPlaneID_t uiBitmapID)
virtual eC_TArray< eC_UByte > * GetBitmapPlaneData (const GUIBitmapPlaneID_t &eBitmapPlaneID)
virtual void SetRenderingOffset (const eC_Value &vOffsetX, const eC_Value &vOffsetY)
void GetRenderingOffset (eC_Value &vOffsetX, eC_Value &vOffsetY)
virtual GUIBitmapPlaneID_t CreateBitmapPlane (const CGUIObject &rkParentObject, const eC_Value &vWidth, const eC_Value &vHeight)
void DeleteBitmapPlane (const GUIBitmapPlaneID_t uiBitmapID)
void DeleteBitmapPlanes (const CGUIObject *pkObject)
CGUIBitmapPlaneGetBitmapPlane (const GUIBitmapPlaneID_t uiBitmapID)
GUIBitmapPlaneID_t GetUsedBitmapPlaneID () const

Static Public Member Functions

static eC_Bool CreateInstance (CGfxEnv *pkGfxEnv)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CGfxWrap
static void DeleteInstance ()
 Delete the graphics wrapper instance.
static eC_UInt GetNextPowerOf2 (const eC_Value &vValue)

Protected Member Functions

 CGfxWrapeGML (CGfxEnv *pkGfxEnv)
virtual ~CGfxWrapeGML (void)
virtual void BlitImgExtImpl (const ImageResource_t &eID, const eC_UInt &uiSrcX, const eC_UInt &uiSrcY, const eC_UInt &uiSrcWidth, const eC_UInt &uiSrcHeight, const eC_Value &vDestX, const eC_Value &vDestY, const eC_Value &vDestWidth, const eC_Value &vDestHeight, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255, const eC_Value &vAngle=eC_FromFloat(0), const eC_Value &vRotCenterX=eC_FromFloat(0.5), const eC_Value &vRotCenterY=eC_FromFloat(0.5))
virtual void BlitImgExtImpl (const CGUIImageData &kImageData, const eC_Value &vAbsDestX, const eC_Value &vAbsDestY)
virtual void BlitMemoryImpl (void *pkMemory, const eC_UInt &uiAbsSrcX, const eC_UInt &uiAbsSrcY, const eC_UInt &uiSrcWidth, const eC_UInt &uiSrcHeight, const eC_Value &vAbsDestX, const eC_Value &vAbsDestY, const eC_Value &vDestWidth, const eC_Value &vDestHeight, const eC_UByte &ubAlpha=255, const eC_Value &vAngle=eC_FromFloat(0), const eC_Value &vRotCenterX=eC_FromFloat(0.5), const eC_Value &vRotCenterY=eC_FromFloat(0.5))
virtual eC_UInt GetImageSize (const ImageResource_t &eID) const
virtual eC_UInt GetImgHeightImpl (const ImageResource_t &eID) const
virtual eC_UInt GetImgWidthImpl (const ImageResource_t &eID) const
virtual void InitMainLayer ()
virtual void LoadImgImpl (const eC_String &psPath, const ImageResource_t &eID)
virtual void LoadImgImpl (void *pkMemory, const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight, const eC_UInt &eImageType, const ImageResource_t &eID)
void SetDefault2DView ()
virtual eC_Bool SetNOFImagesImpl (const eC_UInt uiNOFImages)
virtual void UnloadImg (const ImageResource_t &eID)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CGfxWrap
 CGfxWrap ()
virtual ~CGfxWrap (void)
void DeInit ()
virtual void StartHandleDraw (const CGUIRect &crkClipRect)
virtual void StartRedrawGUI ()
virtual void EndRedrawGUI ()
 Callback which is called at the end of RedrawGUI() after all Invalidated areas were drawn and refreshed.
eC_Bool SetNOFImages (const eC_UInt uiNOFImages)
void LoadImg (const eC_String &kPath, const ImageResource_t &eID)
void LoadImg (void *pkMemory, const eC_UInt &uiWidth, const eC_UInt &uiHeight, const eC_UInt &eImageType, const ImageResource_t &eID)
virtual void RefreshImage (const ImageResource_t &eID, void *pkMemory)
void SetInvalidatedRect (const eC_Value &vAbsX1, const eC_Value &vAbsY1, const eC_Value &vAbsX2, const eC_Value &vAbsY2)
void SetInvalidatedRect (const CGUIRect &NewAbsRect)
void ResetInvalidatedRect ()
 Resets the invalidated rectangle.
CGUIBitmapPlaneGetDummyBitmap ()
virtual eC_Bool FinishDrawToBitmap ()

Protected Attributes

eC_Bool m_bSubpixelEnabled
 while subpixel rendering is enabled, blitting will be done with subpixel-accuracy (Resulting in a time-consuming RotBlit)
eC_Int m_iMainLayerIndex
 index of the main-screen
eC_TArray< eImg_Bitmap * > m_pImage
 Array of pointers to eImg bitmaps (includes alpha layer)
eGML * m_pkEGML
 eGML instance pointer
eGML_Bitmap * m_pkRenderBitmap
 Target bitmap for render operations in eGML.
 Screens for eGML.
eC_Flag m_uiBlitFlags
 Flags for blit operation.
eC_UInt m_uiNumberOfScreens
 number of configured screens
- Protected Attributes inherited from CGfxWrap
eC_Bool m_bDoubleBufferingEnforcesFlipping
eC_Bool m_bFilteredBlit
 if filtered blit is active
eC_Bool m_bInvalidationInLastFrame
eC_Bool m_bOptimizedBlit
 if optimized blit is active
CGUIRect m_kClippingRect
eC_Semaphore m_kGfxWrapSemaphore
 Semaphore to lock access to methods used in a multi thread context.
CGUIRect m_kInvalidatedRect
eC_TListDoubleLinked< CGUIRectm_kInvalidatedRectList
 This is the list of invalidated rectangular regions within the GUI.
eC_TListDoubleLinked< CGUIRectm_kLastFrameInvalidatedRectList
 This is the list of regions which have been invalidated during the LAST frame.
eC_String m_kWrapperName
 name of the wrapper
 pointer to the graphics-environment
eC_UByte m_ubAlpha
 Currently set global alpha value.
eC_UInt m_uiColor
 Currently set foreground color.
eC_UInt m_uiNOFImages
 total number of image-objects
eC_UInt m_uiScreenHeight
 Screen height.
eC_UInt m_uiScreenWidth
 Screen width.
eC_Value m_vGlobalAlphaFactor
eC_Value m_vLineWidth
 Line width in pixels.
eC_Value m_vRenderingOffsetX
 offset in x-direction
eC_Value m_vRenderingOffsetY
 offset in y-direction

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CGfxWrap
enum  RefreshCall_t {
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CGfxWrap
static const eC_Value cvTwoPi = eC_FromFloat(6.283185307179586476925286766559f)
 constant for 2 PI

Detailed Description

This is the eGML implementation of the graphics wrapper.

This graphics wrapper uses eGML_Bitmap methods for blitting. The blit flags for all operations can be set by calling SetBlitFlags(). They are by default initialized to eGML_Bitmap::BLIT_BILINEAR.

For additional details see description of base class CGfxWrap.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CGfxWrapeGML::CGfxWrapeGML ( CGfxEnv pkGfxEnv)


virtual CGfxWrapeGML::~CGfxWrapeGML ( void  )


Member Function Documentation

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::Arc ( const eC_Value &  vX1,
const eC_Value &  vY1,
const eC_Value &  vX2,
const eC_Value &  vY2,
const eC_Value &  vStartAngle,
const eC_Value &  vEndAngle,
const eC_Value &  vRotationAngle,
const eC_Bool &  bFilled 

Draws an arc which is completly inside the rectangle described through the rectangle the top left edge at (vAbsX1, vAbsY1) and bottom right edge at (vAbsX2, vAbsY2). The arc will be filled out if the last parameter is true 0-degrees is at the mathematically correct position on the unit-circle angles are increasing in counter-clockwise direction. rotation-angle is increasing in clockwise direction, i.e. rotating by 90 degrees will result in the 0-degress being at the bottom-center

vX1X-coordinate of bounding rectangle's top left corner
vY1Y-Coordinate of bounding rectangle's top left corner
vX2X-coordinate of bounding rectangle's bottom right corner
vY2Y-Coordinate of bounding rectangle's bottom right corner
bFilledSpecifies whether the arc will be drawn outlined (false) or filled (true)

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::BlitImgExtImpl ( const ImageResource_t eID,
const eC_UInt &  uiAbsSrcX,
const eC_UInt &  uiAbsSrcY,
const eC_UInt &  uiSrcWidth,
const eC_UInt &  uiSrcHeight,
const eC_Value &  vAbsDestX,
const eC_Value &  vAbsDestY,
const eC_Value &  vDestWidth,
const eC_Value &  vDestHeight,
const eC_UByte &  ubAlpha = 255,
const eC_Value &  vAngle = eC_FromFloat(0),
const eC_Value &  vRotCenterX = eC_FromFloat(0.5),
const eC_Value &  vRotCenterY = eC_FromFloat(0.5) 

Blits an image. This MUST be implemented by all graphics wrappers. It is ensured that the supplied image ID is in the valid range and is not DUMMY_IMAGE. For detailed explanations, please refer to CGfxWrap::BlitImgExt

eIDIdentifier of the image to be blitted.
uiAbsSrcXX coordinate of upper left corner of the relevant area within the source image
uiAbsSrcYY coordinate of upper left corner of the relevant area within the source image
uiSrcWidthWidth of the relevant area within the source image
uiSrcHeightHeight of the relevant area within the source image
vAbsDestXDestination X position in absolute coordinates
vAbsDestYDestination Y position in absolute coordinates
vDestWidthDestination width
vDestHeightDestination height
ubAlphaDegree of transparency. 0=transparent 255=opaque Default is opaque.
vAngleAngle in degrees by which the image will be rotated
vRotCenterXRotation center X. In range of 0 to 1 (like U/V coordinates)
vRotCenterYRotation center Y. In range of 0 to 1 (like U/V coordinates)

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::BlitImgExtImpl ( const CGUIImageData kImageData,
const eC_Value &  vAbsDestX,
const eC_Value &  vAbsDestY 

Blits an image. This MUST be implemented by all graphics wrappers. It is ensured that the supplied image ID is in the valid range and is not DUMMY_IMAGE. For detailed explanations, please refer to CGfxWrap::BlitImgExt

vAbsDestXDestination X position in absolute coordinates
vAbsDestYDestination Y position in absolute coordinates

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::BlitMemoryImpl ( void *  pkMemory,
const eC_UInt &  uiAbsSrcX,
const eC_UInt &  uiAbsSrcY,
const eC_UInt &  uiSrcWidth,
const eC_UInt &  uiSrcHeight,
const eC_Value &  vAbsDestX,
const eC_Value &  vAbsDestY,
const eC_Value &  vDestWidth,
const eC_Value &  vDestHeight,
const eC_UByte &  ubAlpha = 255,
const eC_Value &  vAngle = eC_FromFloat(0),
const eC_Value &  vRotCenterX = eC_FromFloat(0.5),
const eC_Value &  vRotCenterY = eC_FromFloat(0.5) 

Blit the contents or part of content of a memory-image to the screen

pkMemorymemory containing image-data
uiAbsSrcXx-position in source
uiAbsSrcYy-position in source
uiSrcWidthwidth of area in source
uiSrcHeightheight of area in source
vAbsDestXx-position in destination
vAbsDestYy-position in destination
vDestWidthwidth of destination area
vDestHeightheight of destination area
vAngleangle of rotation
vRotCenterXx-position of center of rotation
vRotCenterYy-position of center of rotation
static eC_Bool CGfxWrapeGML::CreateInstance ( CGfxEnv pkGfxEnv)

Singleton for creating a GfxWrapeGML object and change the pointer in base class to this graphics wrapper.

Indicate whether by this call, an instance is created. The instance is created, if true, not created, otherwise.
virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::CreateScreen ( )

create a screen with given height and attributes

virtual eC_Bool CGfxWrapeGML::DrawToScreen ( )

Activates the Screen as active RenderTarget again

True if the changing was successful, otherwise False

Reimplemented from CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::Ellipse ( const eC_Value &  vAbsX1,
const eC_Value &  vAbsY1,
const eC_Value &  vAbsX2,
const eC_Value &  vAbsY2,
const eC_Bool &  bFilled 

Implementation of the CGfxWrap::Ellipse() interface for eGML. Note that eGML does currently only support filled circles (e.g. width and height must be identical), and the active foreground color must be fully opaque.

vAbsX1X-coordinate of bounding rectangle's top left corner
vAbsY1Y-Coordinate of bounding rectangle's top left corner
vAbsX2X-coordinate of bounding rectangle's bottom right corner
vAbsY2Y-Coordinate of bounding rectangle's bottom right corner
bFilledSpecifies whether the ellipse will be drawn outlined (false) or filled (true).

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::FilledRect ( const eC_Value &  vAbsX1,
const eC_Value &  vAbsY1,
const eC_Value &  vAbsX2,
const eC_Value &  vAbsY2 

Draws a filled rectangle with the top left edge at (vAbsX1, vAbsY1) and bottom right edge at (vAbsX2, vAbsY2) The bottom edge and the right edge is not included in the drawn rect. e.g. FilledRect(0, 0, 10, 10); the rect is drawn from (0,0) to (9,9) (both included).

See Also
vAbsX1X-coordinate of top left corner
vAbsY1Y-Coordinate of top left corner
vAbsX2X-coordinate of bottom right corner
vAbsY2Y-Coordinate of bottom right corner

Implements CGfxWrap.

eC_Flag CGfxWrapeGML::GetBlitFlags ( ) const

Returns the currently set eGML blit flags.

The current combination of eGML blit flags.
See Also
virtual eImg_Bitmap* CGfxWrapeGML::GetImage ( const ImageResource_t eID)

Returns a pointer to the image referenced by the specified ID.

eIDof the image to retrieve
eImb_Bitmap pointer to the related bitmap
virtual eC_UInt CGfxWrapeGML::GetImageSize ( const ImageResource_t eID) const

Calculates the size of an image in pixels. Called by the image cache.

eIDid of image
size of image in pixels

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_UInt CGfxWrapeGML::GetImgHeightImpl ( const ImageResource_t eID) const

Returns the height of an image. Must be implemented by each graphics wrapper.

eIDThe ID of the image whose width should be returned. It is ensured that eID is always in the valid range and not DUMMY_IMAGE.
The width of the image in pixels.

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_UInt CGfxWrapeGML::GetImgWidthImpl ( const ImageResource_t eID) const

Returns the width of an image. Must be implemented by each graphics wrapper.

eIDThe ID of the image whose width should be returned. It is ensured that eID is always in the valid range and not DUMMY_IMAGE.
The width of the image in pixels.

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_UInt CGfxWrapeGML::GetPhysicalScreenHeight ( )

Returns the screen height. Will always return the physical screen height with which the GfxWrap was originally initialized. Regardless of whether the virtual screen size has been modified e.g. while drawing into a CGUIBitmapPlane.

Physical screen height

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_UInt CGfxWrapeGML::GetPhysicalScreenWidth ( )

Returns the screen width. Will always return the physical screen width with which the GfxWrap was originally initialized. Regardless of whether the virtual screen size has been modified e.g. while drawing into a CGUIBitmapPlane.

Physical screen width

Implements CGfxWrap.

eGML_Bitmap* CGfxWrapeGML::GetRenderBitmap ( )
the eGML render bitmap pointer
eGML_Screen* CGfxWrapeGML::GetScreen ( void  )
the eGML screen pointer
virtual eC_UInt CGfxWrapeGML::GetVirtualScreenHeight ( )

Returns the screen height in pixels, may vary if DrawToBitmap is active. It will then return the active BitmapPlane's height instead.

See Also
eC_UInt The screen height

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_UInt CGfxWrapeGML::GetVirtualScreenWidth ( )

Returns the screen width in pixels, may vary if DrawToBitmap is active. It will then return the active BitmapPlane's width instead.

See Also
eC_UInt The screen width

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_Bool CGfxWrapeGML::ImageExists ( const ImageResource_t  eID) const

Returns whether an image is present for the given ID.

eIDID for which to check
True if an image is present, False otherwise.

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::InitMainLayer ( )

Initialize the main-layer

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::Line ( const eC_Value &  vAbsX1,
const eC_Value &  vAbsY1,
const eC_Value &  vAbsX2,
const eC_Value &  vAbsY2 

the following methods are protected to prevent calling them directly

Draws a line from (vAbsX1, vAbsY1) to (vAbsX2, vAbsY2)

vAbsX1X-coordinate of starting point
vAbsY1Y-Coordinate of starting point
vAbsX2X-coordinate of ending point
vAbsY2Y-Coordinate of ending point

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::LoadImgImpl ( const eC_String &  psPath,
const ImageResource_t eID 

Loads an image file from disk. Internally called by ResourceManager.

psPathfilename of image to load
eIDimage-id which will be set

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::LoadImgImpl ( void *  pkMemory,
const eC_UInt &  uiWidth,
const eC_UInt &  uiHeight,
const eC_UInt &  eImageType,
const ImageResource_t eID 

Loads an image file from disk. Internally called by ResourceManager.

eIDimage-id which will be set

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::Rect ( const eC_Value &  vAbsX1,
const eC_Value &  vAbsY1,
const eC_Value &  vAbsX2,
const eC_Value &  vAbsY2 

Draws a rectangle with the top left edge at (vAbsX1, vAbsY1) and bottom right edge at (vAbsX2, vAbsY2). The bottom edge and the right edge is not included in the drawn rect. e.g. Rect(0, 0, 10, 10); the rect is drawn from (0,0) to (9,9) (both included).

See Also
vAbsX1X-coordinate of top left corner
vAbsY1Y-Coordinate of top left corner
vAbsX2X-coordinate of bottom right corner
vAbsY2Y-Coordinate of bottom right corner

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_Bool CGfxWrapeGML::Refresh ( const RefreshCall_t  eRefreshCallType)

Method to bring the screen content onto the physical screen so that it becomes visible, usually via a blit operation.

eRefreshCallTypeThe call type of this refresh
True of the refresh was performed, False otherwise

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::Ring ( const eC_Value &  vX1,
const eC_Value &  vY1,
const eC_Value &  vX2,
const eC_Value &  vY2,
const eC_Value &  vRingWidth,
const eC_Value &  vStartAngle,
const eC_Value &  vEndAngle,
const eC_Value &  vRotationAngle,
const eC_Bool &  bFilled 

Draws a ring which is completly inside the rectangle described through the rectangle the top left edge at (vAbsX1, vAbsY1) and bottom right edge at (vAbsX2, vAbsY2). The ring will be filled out if the last parameter is true 0-degrees is at the mathematically correct position on the unit-circle angles are increasing in counter-clockwise direction. rotation-angle is increasing in clockwise direction, i.e. rotating by 90 degrees will result in the 0-degress being at the bottom-center

vX1X-coordinate of bounding rectangle's top left corner
vY1Y-Coordinate of bounding rectangle's top left corner
vX2X-coordinate of bounding rectangle's bottom right corner
vY2Y-Coordinate of bounding rectangle's bottom right corner
vRingWidthwidth of the ring
bFilledSpecifies whether the ring will be drawn outlined (false) or filled (true)

Implements CGfxWrap.

void CGfxWrapeGML::SetBlitFlags ( eC_Flag  uiFlags)

Sets the eGML blit flags for all blit operations.

uiFlagsCombination of eGML blit flags.
See Also
virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::SetCliprect ( const CGUIRect NewAbsClipRect)

Sets a clipping rectangle. All drawing operations will be limited to the region within the clipping rectangle. This is very useful for advanced features such as soft-scrolling. Note that the clipping rectangle is not allowed to exceed the invalidated rectangle, since this would lead to visual artifacts.

NewAbsClipRectA normalised rectangle that includes all pixels that could be drawn by the functions of the graphics wrapper. The rectangle includes the border. All pixels outside will be left untouched.

Implements CGfxWrap.

void CGfxWrapeGML::SetDefault2DView ( )

Sets the default 2D view used by the gfx wrapper for 2D drawing operations, like FilledRect, Line, Blit, etc.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::SetFilteredBlit ( const eC_Bool &  bFilteredBlit)

Enables/Disables bilinear filtering during blit operation if bilinear is available this setting is true by default

bFilteredBlittrue to enable bilinear blit, false to disable bilinear filtering and use nearest neighbor texturing

Reimplemented from CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::SetForegroundColorImpl ( const eC_UByte &  ubRed,
const eC_UByte &  ubGreen,
const eC_UByte &  ubBlue,
const eC_UByte &  ubAlpha = 255 

Sets the foreground color. This MUST be implemented by all graphics wrappers. For detailed explanations, please refer to CGfxWrap::SetForegroundColor

ubRedRed intensity within a range of 0 - 255
ubGreenGreen intensity within a range of 0 - 255
ubBlueBlue intensity within a range of 0 - 255
ubAlphaAlpha intensity within a range of 0 (transparent) - 255 (opaque)

Implements CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_Value CGfxWrapeGML::SetLineWidth ( const eC_Value &  vWidth)

Sets the line width in pixels

vWidthwidth of lines
The previous line width.

Reimplemented from CGfxWrap.

virtual eC_Bool CGfxWrapeGML::SetNOFImagesImpl ( const eC_UInt  uiNOFImages)

Sets the total number of images. This is called internally by the ResourceManager when dynamically allocated image resources require the total number of images to be increased.

uiNOFImagesThe number of images
True if internal storage has been successfully adapted to support the requested number of images. False otherwise.

Reimplemented from CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::SetOptimizedBlit ( const eC_Bool &  bOptimizedBlit)

Enables/Disables NEON optimization if neon is available this setting is true by default

bOptimizedBlittrue to enable NEON optimization if available, false to disable

Reimplemented from CGfxWrap.

void CGfxWrapeGML::SetRenderBitmap ( eGML_Bitmap *  pRenderBitmap)
pRenderBitmapThe target bitmap for subsequent render operations
void CGfxWrapeGML::SetSubpixelEnabled ( const eC_Bool  bEnabled)

Enables/disables subpixel rendering. (Disabled by default!) While subpixel rendering is enabled, blitting will be done with subpixel-accuracy (Resulting in a time-consuming RotBlit)

bEnabledtrue to enable subpixel rendering, false to disable.
void CGfxWrapeGML::SetTargetLayer ( const eC_UInt &  uiLayerID)
uiLayerIDSwitch to buffer for layer for subsequent render operations

Reimplemented from CGfxWrap.

virtual void CGfxWrapeGML::UnloadImg ( const ImageResource_t eID)

Unloads an image file. Internally called by ResourceManager.

eIDimage-id to unload

Reimplemented from CGfxWrap.

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