Guiliani  Version 2.4 revision 5970 (build 3)
CGUIComboBoxHeader Class Reference

Represents the header part of a combo box control. More...

#include <GUIComboBoxHeader.h>

Inheritance diagram for CGUIComboBoxHeader:

Public Member Functions

 CGUIComboBoxHeader (CGUICompositeObject *const pParent, const eC_Value &vX, const eC_Value &vY, const eC_Value &vWidth, const eC_Value &vHeight, const eC_String &rkText, const eC_Value &vButtonWidth, const ObjectHandle_t &eID=NO_HANDLE)
 CGUIComboBoxHeader (CGUICompositeObject *const pParent, const CGUIRect &kRect, const eC_String &rkText, const eC_Value &vButtonWidth, const ObjectHandle_t &eID=NO_HANDLE)
 CGUIComboBoxHeader (const CGUIComboBoxHeader &kSource)
 CGUIComboBoxHeader (void)
 ~CGUIComboBoxHeader (void)
void AddInputFinishedObserver (CGUIObserver *pObserver)
void AddInputStartedObserver (CGUIObserver *pObserver)
CGUIButtonGetButton () const
CGUIInputFieldGetInputField () const
CGUIEditableTextGetLabel ()
eC_UInt GetSelectedTextColor ()
eC_String GetText ()
CGUIComboBoxHeaderoperator= (const CGUIComboBoxHeader &kSource)
virtual void ReadFromStream ()
void RemoveInputFinishedObserver (CGUIObserver *pObserver)
void RemoveInputStartedObserver (CGUIObserver *pObserver)
void SetButtonImages (const ImageResource_t &eBtnStandard, const ImageResource_t &eBtnPressed, const ImageResource_t &eBtnHighlighted, const ImageResource_t &eBtnGrayedOut, const ImageResource_t &eBtnFocused)
void SetButtonWidth (const eC_Value &vWidth)
void SetEditable (const eC_Bool &bEditable)
virtual void SetHeight (const eC_Value &vHeight)
void SetInputFieldBorderWidths (eC_Value vLeftBorder, eC_Value vRightBorder, eC_Value vTopBorder, eC_Value vBottomBorder)
void SetInputFieldImages (const ImageResource_t &eStandard, const ImageResource_t &eHighlighted, const ImageResource_t &eFocussed, const ImageResource_t &eGrayedOut)
void SetLabel (CGUIEditableText *pkText)
void SetSelectedTextColor (eC_UInt uiCol)
virtual void SetText (const eC_String &rkTextString)
void SetValidator (CGUIValidator *pValidator)
virtual void SetWidth (const eC_Value &vWidth)
virtual void WriteToStream (const eC_Bool bWriteClassID=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGUICompositeObject
 CGUICompositeObject ()
 CGUICompositeObject (CGUICompositeObject *const pParent, const eC_Value &vX, const eC_Value &vY, const eC_Value &vWidth, const eC_Value &vHeight, const ObjectHandle_t &eID=NO_HANDLE)
 CGUICompositeObject (CGUICompositeObject *const pParent, const CGUIRect &kRect, const ObjectHandle_t &eID=NO_HANDLE)
 CGUICompositeObject (const CGUICompositeObject &kSource)
virtual ~CGUICompositeObject ()
 This destructor is automatically virtual, as the base class destructor is virtual.
virtual eC_Bool AddObject (CGUIObject *pkObject)
eC_Bool BringToFront (const CGUIObject *pkObject)
eC_Bool CanBeCyclicFocussed () const
virtual eC_Bool DoPostDraw ()
void DrawOnTop (CGUIObject *pkObject)
void DrawOnTopOf (CGUIObject *const pkObject, CGUIObject *const pDrawOnTopOf)
virtual CGUIObjectFindObject (const eC_Value &vAbsX, const eC_Value &vAbsY)
void Flip (const eC_Bool &rbVertical)
eC_Bool FocusAny ()
virtual eC_Bool FocusNext (CGUIObject *const pRefObj=NULL, const eC_Bool &bSubTreeOfRefObjDone=false)
virtual eC_Bool FocusPrevious (CGUIObject *const pRefObj=NULL, const eC_Bool &bSubTreeOfRefObjDone=false)
const CGUIObjectGetAndCheckObjectByID (ObjectHandle_t eObjID, const eC_String &kObjectName) const
CGUIObjectGetAndCheckObjectByID (ObjectHandle_t eObjID, const eC_String &kObjectName)
CGUIObjectGetChild (const eC_UInt uIndex) const
CGUIObjectGetChild (const eC_UInt uIndex)
const ObjectPtrListGetChildObjectsList () const
const ObjectPtrListGetDrawOrderList () const
eC_Int GetIndexOfChild (const CGUIObject *pkObject) const
eC_UInt GetNumberOfChildren () const
CGUIObjectGetObjectByID (const ObjectHandle_t &eID, const eC_Bool &bOnlyVisible=false)
const CGUIObjectGetObjectByID (const ObjectHandle_t &eID, const eC_Bool &bOnlyVisible=false) const
eC_Bool InsertChildAt (const eC_UInt cuiIndex, CGUIObject *pkChild)
void InvalidateChildren ()
 Invalidates all chidren, but not this parent.
eC_Bool IsAncestorOf (const CGUIObject *pkObject) const
virtual eC_Bool IsCompositeObject () const
eC_Bool LowerOneLevel (const CGUIObject *pkObject)
CGUICompositeObjectoperator= (const CGUICompositeObject &kSource)
eC_Bool RaiseOneLevel (const CGUIObject *pkObject)
virtual void RefreshLayout (CGUILayouter::eMovedEdges_t eMovedEdges) const
void RemoveAllChildren ()
virtual void RemoveObject (CGUIObject *pkObject)
void Rotate (const eC_UInt &ruiDegrees, const eC_Bool &rbFirst=false)
eC_Bool SendToBack (const CGUIObject *pkObject)
virtual void SetClickThrough (const eC_Bool &bClickThrough)
virtual void SetClickThrough (const eC_Bool &bClickThrough, const eC_Bool &bChildrenClickThrough)
void SetCyclicFocus (const eC_Bool &bCyclicFocus)
virtual void SetDisabled (const eC_Bool &bDisabled)
virtual void SetDisabled (const eC_Bool &bDisabled, const eC_Bool &bChildrenDisabled)
virtual void SetFocussable (const eC_Bool &bFocussable)
virtual void SetFocussable (const eC_Bool &bFocussable, const eC_Bool &bChildrenFocussable)
virtual void SetGrayedOut (const eC_Bool &bGrayedOut)
virtual void SetGrayedOut (const eC_Bool &bGrayedOut, const eC_Bool &bChildrenGrayedOut)
virtual void SetInvisible (const eC_Bool &bInvisible)
virtual void SetInvisible (const eC_Bool &bInvisible, const eC_Bool &bChildrenInvisible)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGUIObject
 CGUIObject (CGUICompositeObject *const pParent, const eC_Value &vX, const eC_Value &vY, const eC_Value &vWidth, const eC_Value &vHeight, const ObjectHandle_t &eID=NO_HANDLE)
 CGUIObject (CGUICompositeObject *const pParent, const CGUIRect &kRect, const ObjectHandle_t &eID=NO_HANDLE)
 CGUIObject ()
 CGUIObject (const CGUIObject &kSource)
virtual ~CGUIObject ()
void AddValueObserver (CGUIObserver *pObserver)
eC_Bool CalculateInvalidatedRect (CGUIRect &rRect) const
virtual eC_Bool ClaimFocus ()
virtual void CreateSnapshot (eC_UInt uiBackColor=0x00)
eC_Bool DataPoolConnectorExists () const
void DeleteSnapshot ()
virtual void DisableSnapshotDrawing (eC_Bool bDeleteSnapshot=true)
virtual eC_Bool DoDraw ()
virtual eC_Bool DoDrawSnapshot ()
virtual void EnableSnapshotDrawing ()
CGUIRect GetAbsRect () const
eC_Value GetAbsXPos () const
eC_Value GetAbsXPosCenter () const
eC_Value GetAbsXPosREdge () const
eC_Value GetAbsYPos () const
eC_Value GetAbsYPosBEdge () const
eC_Value GetAbsYPosCenter () const
eC_UByte GetAlpha () const
CGUIBehaviourDecoratorGetBehaviour ()
const CGUIBehaviourDecoratorGetBehaviour () const
GUIBitmapPlaneID_t GetBitmapID () const
CGUIBitmapPlaneGetBitmapPlane () const
CGUIRect GetCurrentAbsRect () const
eC_Value GetCurrentAbsXPos () const
eC_Value GetCurrentAbsXPosCenter () const
eC_Value GetCurrentAbsXPosREdge () const
eC_Value GetCurrentAbsYPos () const
eC_Value GetCurrentAbsYPosBEdge () const
eC_Value GetCurrentAbsYPosCenter () const
CDataPoolConnectorGetDataPoolConnector ()
eC_Value GetDistanceBottom () const
eC_Value GetDistanceRight () const
eC_Value GetHalfHeight () const
eC_Value GetHalfWidth () const
eC_Value GetHeight () const
ObjectHandle_t GetID () const
CGUILayouterGetLayouter ()
const CGUILayouterGetLayouter () const
ObjectHandle_t GetNeighborBottomID () const
ObjectHandle_t GetNeighborLeftID () const
ObjectHandle_t GetNeighborRightID () const
ObjectHandle_t GetNeighborTopID () const
CGUIObjectGetObjectByID (const ObjectHandle_t &eID, const eC_Bool &bOnlyVisible=false)
const CGUIObjectGetObjectByID (const ObjectHandle_t &eID, const eC_Bool &bOnlyVisible=false) const
CGUIRect GetOriginRect () const
CGUICompositeObjectGetParent ()
const CGUICompositeObjectGetParent () const
CGUIRect GetRelRect () const
eC_Value GetRelXPos () const
eC_Value GetRelXPosCenter () const
eC_Value GetRelXPosREdge () const
eC_Value GetRelYPos () const
eC_Value GetRelYPosBEdge () const
eC_Value GetRelYPosCenter () const
eC_Value GetWidth () const
void InvalidateArea ()
eC_Bool IsClickable () const
eC_Bool IsClickThrough () const
eC_Bool IsDescendantOf (const CGUIObject *const pAncestor) const
eC_Bool IsDisabled () const
eC_Bool IsDragable () const
eC_Bool IsDragged () const
eC_Bool IsDrawingSnapshot () const
eC_Bool IsFocussable () const
eC_Bool IsFocussed () const
eC_Bool IsGrayedOut () const
virtual eC_Bool IsHighlightable () const
eC_Bool IsHighlighted () const
eC_Bool IsInvisible () const
eC_Bool IsPressed () const
eC_Bool IsStopFocus () const
void NotifyValueObservers (const CGUIValue &kValue, const eC_UInt uiX=0, const eC_UInt uiY=0)
CGUIObjectoperator= (const CGUIObject &kSource)
void RemoveValueObserver (CGUIObserver *pObserver)
void RenderToBitmap (eC_UInt uiBitmapID, eC_Value vXOffset=eC_FromInt(0), eC_Value vYOffset=eC_FromInt(0))
eC_Bool RequestFocus ()
void SetAlpha (eC_UByte ubAlpha)
void SetBehaviour (CGUIBehaviourDecorator *pBehaviour)
void SetClickThrough (const eC_Bool &bClickThrough)
void SetID (const ObjectHandle_t &eID)
void SetLayouter (CGUILayouter *pLayouter)
void SetNeighborBottomID (const ObjectHandle_t eNewNeighborBottomID)
void SetNeighborIDs (const ObjectHandle_t eNewNeighborLeftID, const ObjectHandle_t eNewNeighborRightID, const ObjectHandle_t eNewNeighborTopID, const ObjectHandle_t eNewNeighborBottomID)
void SetNeighborLeftID (const ObjectHandle_t eNewNeighborLeftID)
void SetNeighborRightID (const ObjectHandle_t eNewNeighborRightID)
void SetNeighborTopID (const ObjectHandle_t eNewNeighborTopID)
virtual void SetParent (CGUICompositeObject *const pParent)
void SetRelRect (const CGUIRect &kNewRect)
virtual void SetRelXPos (const eC_Value &vX)
void SetRelXPosCenter (const eC_Value &vXCenter)
void SetRelXPosREdge (const eC_Value &vX)
virtual void SetRelYPos (const eC_Value &vY)
void SetRelYPosBEdge (const eC_Value &vY)
void SetRelYPosCenter (const eC_Value &vYCenter)
void SetStopFocus (const eC_Bool &bDontFocusToParent)
virtual eC_Bool SetValue (const CGUIValue &rkValue)
virtual eC_Bool SetValue (CDataPoolEntry &rkValue)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGUIBehaviour
virtual eC_Bool DoUserEvent (CGUIEvent *const pEvent)
virtual void OnCreate ()
virtual void OnDelete ()
virtual void OnHide ()
virtual void OnShow ()
virtual eC_Bool DoClick (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoLongClick (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoDoubleClick (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoButtonDown (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoButtonUp (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoDrag (const eC_Value &vDeltaX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vDeltaY=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoDragEnd (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoMouseEnter (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoMouseLeave (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual eC_Bool DoMouseMove (const eC_Value &vAbsX=eC_FromInt(-1), const eC_Value &vAbsY=eC_FromInt(-1))
virtual void GetFocus ()
virtual void LoseFocus ()
virtual eC_Bool Decrease ()
virtual eC_Bool Increase ()
virtual eC_Bool DoKeyDown (const GUIKeyIdentifier_t &eKeyIdentifier, const eC_UInt &uiModifiers)
virtual eC_Bool DoKeyUp (const GUIKeyIdentifier_t &eKeyIdentifier, const eC_UInt &uiModifiers)
virtual eC_Bool DoChar (const eC_UInt &uiKey, const GUIKeyIdentifier_t &eKeyIdentifier, const eC_UInt &uiModifiers)
virtual eC_Bool DoScrollUp (const eC_Value &vAbsX, const eC_Value &vAbsY)
virtual eC_Bool DoScrollDown (const eC_Value &vAbsX, const eC_Value &vAbsY)
virtual eC_Bool DoScrollLeft (const eC_Value &vAbsX, const eC_Value &vAbsY)
virtual eC_Bool DoScrollRight (const eC_Value &vAbsX, const eC_Value &vAbsY)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGUIStreamableObject
const eC_String & GetXMLTag () const
void SetXMLTag (const eC_String &kXMLTag)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGUIAnimatable
virtual ~CGUIAnimatable ()
 Destructor. Removes all existing animation callbacks.
virtual void DoAnimate (const eC_Value &vTimes=eC_FromInt(1))
virtual eC_Bool IsAnimating () const
virtual void StartAnimation ()
virtual void StopAnimation ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CGUIObject
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CGUICompositeObject
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_CHILDREN [] = "Children"
 XML comment tag to be used before writing children to a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_ENDCHILDREN [] = "/Children"
 XML comment tag to be used after writing children to a stream.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CGUIObject
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_ALPHA [] = "Alpha"
 XML tag to be used writing alpha-value into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_CLICKTHROUGH [] = "ClickThrough"
 XML tag to be used writing clickthrough-state into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_CONTROLCLASSID [] = "ControlClassID"
 XML tag to be used when writing a control class ID into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_DISABLED [] = "Disabled"
 XML tag to be used writing disabled-state into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_FOCUSSABLE [] = "Focussable"
 XML tag to be used writing focussable-state into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_GRAYEDOUT [] = "GrayedOut"
 XML tag to be used writing grayedout-state into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_HEIGHT [] = "Height"
 XML tag to be used writing height into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_INVISIBLE [] = "Invisible"
 XML tag to be used writing invisible-state into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_OBJECTID [] = "ObjectID"
 XML tag to be used writing object id into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_OVERRIDDENNEIGHBORS [] = "OverriddenNeighbors"
 XML tag to be used writing overridden neighbors into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_WIDTH [] = "Width"
 XML tag to be used writing width into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_XPOS [] = "XPos"
 XML tag to be used writing x-position into a stream.
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_YPOS [] = "YPos"
 XML tag to be used writing y-position into a stream.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CGUIBehaviour
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_BEHAVIOURCLASSID [] = "BehaviourClassID"
 XML tag to be used when writing a behaviour class ID into a stream.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CGUIStreamableObject
static const eC_Char XMLTAG_CLASSVERSION [] = "ClassVersion"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CGUICompositeObject
virtual eC_Bool FourWayNext (FourWayFocus_t eFocusDirection)
ObjectPtrListGetChildObjectsList ()
virtual void HandleDraw (const CGUIRect &ClipRect)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CGUIObject
virtual eC_Bool CreateBitmapPlane ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CGUIStreamableObject
eC_UInt ReadStreamingHeader (const eC_UInt &uiClassVersion, const eC_UInt &uiClassMinVersion=0) const
void WriteStreamingFooter (const eC_Bool &bWriteClassID) const
void WriteStreamingHeader (const eC_Bool &bWriteClassID, const eC_Char *const pkClassIDTag, const eC_Int &iClassID, const eC_UInt &uiClassVersion) const

Detailed Description

Represents the header part of a combo box control.

The GUIComboBoxHeader represents the part of a ComboBox which is visible even while the ComboBox is closed. It contains an input field (showing the currently selected entry and offering search-functionality) and a button which opens/closes the List of entries within the ComboBox. Typically, users will not use this class directly, but instead make use of the CGUIComboBox class.


// Create combo box header.
CGUIComboBoxHeader *pComboBoxHeader = new CGUIComboBoxHeader(this,
eC_FromInt(0), eC_FromInt(0),
eC_FromInt(110), eC_FromInt(30),
"", eC_FromInt(30),
// Set the width of the button in the right side of the header.
// Set the input field as not be editable.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CGUIComboBoxHeader() [1/4]

CGUIComboBoxHeader::CGUIComboBoxHeader ( CGUICompositeObject *const  pParent,
const eC_Value &  vX,
const eC_Value &  vY,
const eC_Value &  vWidth,
const eC_Value &  vHeight,
const eC_String &  rkText,
const eC_Value &  vButtonWidth,
const ObjectHandle_t eID = NO_HANDLE 

CGUIComboBoxHeader constructor.

pParentPointer to the designated parent object
vXX-position relative to its parent object
vYX-position relative to its parent object
vWidthWidth of the combobox header
vHeightHeight of the combobox header
rkTextInitial text to be shown in the input field
vButtonWidthThe width of the button.
eIDObject Identifier of this combobox header (use NO_HANDLE if none is required)

◆ CGUIComboBoxHeader() [2/4]

CGUIComboBoxHeader::CGUIComboBoxHeader ( CGUICompositeObject *const  pParent,
const CGUIRect kRect,
const eC_String &  rkText,
const eC_Value &  vButtonWidth,
const ObjectHandle_t eID = NO_HANDLE 

CGUIComboBoxHeader constructor.

pParentPointer to the designated parent object
kRectThe client rectangle (control position and size).
rkTextInitial text to be shown in the input field
vButtonWidthThe width of the button.
eIDObject Identifier of this combobox header (use NO_HANDLE if none is required)

◆ CGUIComboBoxHeader() [3/4]

CGUIComboBoxHeader::CGUIComboBoxHeader ( const CGUIComboBoxHeader kSource)

CGUIComboBoxHeader copy-constructor.

kSourceSource object to be copied

◆ CGUIComboBoxHeader() [4/4]

CGUIComboBoxHeader::CGUIComboBoxHeader ( void  )

Standard constructor.

See also

◆ ~CGUIComboBoxHeader()

CGUIComboBoxHeader::~CGUIComboBoxHeader ( void  )

CGUIComboBoxHeader destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetButton()

CGUIButton* CGUIComboBoxHeader::GetButton ( ) const

Get the drop down button pointer.


◆ GetInputField()

CGUIInputField* CGUIComboBoxHeader::GetInputField ( ) const

Get the Inputfield's pointer.


◆ GetLabel()

CGUIEditableText * CGUIComboBoxHeader::GetLabel ( )

Get the label of the input field. Use this to obtain a pointer to the internal text for formatting etc.

Pointer to the internal text label.

◆ GetSelectedTextColor()

eC_UInt CGUIComboBoxHeader::GetSelectedTextColor ( )

Get the color currently used as the background for selected text.

the selected text color.
See also

◆ GetText()

eC_String CGUIComboBoxHeader::GetText ( )

Returns the current text content of the input field. In password mode, this method returns the string of obfuscation characters. To obtain the entered password, use GetPassword().

a copy of the current text content of the input field.

◆ operator=()

CGUIComboBoxHeader & CGUIComboBoxHeader::operator= ( const CGUIComboBoxHeader kSource)

CGUIComboBoxHeader operator= to copy the whole CGUIComboBoxHeader.

kSourceSource object to be copied
Copied object

◆ ReadFromStream()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::ReadFromStream ( )

Reads composite object attributes and children from stream. Reads attributes from the streaming file. Only for use with GUIFactoryManager.

See also
CGUIStreamingControlExceptionWhen catching a CGUIStreamingControlException from a child, this method adds the object from the exception, resets the object pointer to 'this', then re-throws.

Reimplemented from CGUICompositeObject.

◆ RemoveInputFinishedObserver()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::RemoveInputFinishedObserver ( CGUIObserver pObserver)

Unsubscribe an observer that subscribed as InputFinished observer.

pObserverThe Observer that wants to unsubscribe.

◆ RemoveInputStartedObserver()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::RemoveInputStartedObserver ( CGUIObserver pObserver)

Unsubscribe an observer that subscribed as InputStarted observer.

pObserverThe Observer that wants to unsubscribe.

◆ SetButtonImages()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetButtonImages ( const ImageResource_t eBtnStandard,
const ImageResource_t eBtnPressed,
const ImageResource_t eBtnHighlighted,
const ImageResource_t eBtnGrayedOut,
const ImageResource_t eBtnFocused 

With this function images for the button can be set.

eBtnStandardStandard image
eBtnPressedStandard image
eBtnHighlightedHighlighted image
eBtnGrayedOutGrayed-out image
eBtnFocusedFocussed image

◆ SetButtonWidth()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetButtonWidth ( const eC_Value &  vWidth)

Set the width of the button in the right side of the header.


◆ SetEditable()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetEditable ( const eC_Bool &  bEditable)

Set the input field as editable or not.

bEditableTrue if editable

◆ SetHeight()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetHeight ( const eC_Value &  vHeight)

Calls the base class implementation and adjusts the button's height.

vHeightThe new height.

Reimplemented from CGUICompositeObject.

◆ SetInputFieldBorderWidths()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetInputFieldBorderWidths ( eC_Value  vLeftBorder,
eC_Value  vRightBorder,
eC_Value  vTopBorder,
eC_Value  vBottomBorder 

Set the widths of the inner borders of the input field. The border width is the distance of this control's edges to the edges of the internal CGUIEdit.

vLeftBorderWidth of the left inner border.
vRightBorderWidth of the right inner border.
vTopBorderWidth of the top inner border.
vBottomBorderWidth of the bottom inner border.

◆ SetInputFieldImages()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetInputFieldImages ( const ImageResource_t eStandard,
const ImageResource_t eHighlighted,
const ImageResource_t eFocussed,
const ImageResource_t eGrayedOut 

With this function images for the input field can be set.

eStandardStandard image
eHighlightedHighlighted image
eFocussedFocussed image
eGrayedOutGrayed-out image

◆ SetLabel()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetLabel ( CGUIEditableText pkText)

Changes the internal text. This call is directly passed through to CGUIEdit::SetLabel.

pkTextThe new text to be used by the internal edit control.

◆ SetSelectedTextColor()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetSelectedTextColor ( eC_UInt  uiCol)

Sets the color used as the background for selected text.

uiColThe selected text color.
See also

◆ SetText()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetText ( const eC_String &  rkTextString)

Set the text.

rkTextStringThe string to be assigned to this object.

◆ SetValidator()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetValidator ( CGUIValidator pValidator)

Sets an validator for the input enabled combobox header.

pValidatorThe validator to set.

◆ SetWidth()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::SetWidth ( const eC_Value &  vWidth)

Calls the base class implementation and adjusts the button's position.

vWidthThe new width.

Reimplemented from CGUICompositeObject.

◆ WriteToStream()

void CGUIComboBoxHeader::WriteToStream ( const eC_Bool  bWriteClassID = false)

Writes all object attributes to the streaming file. StreamWriter has to be initialized. Only for use with GUIStreamWriter.

bWriteClassIDThis flag is used to select if writing of ControlID, leading and trailing tags is performed. Only GUIStreamWriter and GUICompositeObject have to set this flag true.
See also

Reimplemented from CGUICompositeObject.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: