Guiliani:Platforms:Renesas RX63N
From Guiliani
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Driven by smart phones customers expect “Smart HMIs” on all kind of devices: Modern graphical control elements (widgets) combined with smooth animations on high-resolution touch-screen displays replace single-color segment displays and hard-keys.
By launching the Rx63N MCU together with the Embedded GUI Solution Kit Renesas offers a very cost efficient platform addressing “Smart HMIs” for extremely price sensitive products.
With its 100MHz 32-bit Rx CPU, 128kB on-chip SRAM, up to 2MB on-chip flash and the possibility to connect external RAM as well as external Flash the Rx63N is the ideal entry class platform for the Guiliani HMI framework allowing to exploit Guiliani’s core HMI capabilities.
Download Guiliani on Renesas Rx63N Introduction
Guiliani can be licensed for the Rx63N with customer-selectable operation system and system configuration. Low-volume as well as large-volume license models are possible. Please contact TES sales (graphics(at)tes-dst(dot)com) for more information and quotes.
The package also includes the Guiliani graphical user interface designer (GSE) and the corresponding example project files and tools to easily modify and extend the example application on a PC, to run a simulation on a PC and download the result to the Rx63 Board.
Demo Package System Information:
- Platform: Renesas Rx63N Embedded GUI Solution Kit
- e² studio IDE: e² studio
- OS: Free RTOS V8.0
- HMI Framework: TES Guiliani V2.0a
- Graphics-Library: TES BLU V1.0
Note: Other IDEs or operation systems can be supported on request!