From Guiliani
Guiliani Technical Showcase (GuilianiDemo)
GSE Project
This package includes all neccassary project files to open GuilianiDemo within GSE. There are several resolutions included (800x480 480x272 240x320)
Download GuilianiDemo (GSE Project)
Pre-Compiled Binaries
Note: the used Graphics-library is listed after the platform-name (e.g. eGML, BLU, OpenGL)
Windows Desktop (eGML) (480x272, 800x480 and 1280x720)
Download GuilianiDemo for Windows Desktop
Linux (arm-linux-genuebihf with eGML) (800x480)
this can be run on mostly any Linux-powered devices (e.g. Raspberry Pi, Atmel SAMA5, etc.) it is tested on:
- i.MX6 ULL
- i.MX7
You can use the commandline-options to change resolution and input-devices (see --help for more information)
Download GuilianiDemo for arm-linux-gnueabihf
Linux (emtrion emsbc-argon with OpenGL ES) (800x480)
Download GuilianiDemo for emtrion emsbc-argon
Renesas GR-Peach (eGML) (480x272)
Download GuilianiDemo for Renesas GR-Peach
Renesas GR-Mango (eGML) (800x480)
Download GuilianiDemo for Renesas GR-Mango
STM32F4xx (BLU) (240x320)
Download GuilianiDemo for STM32F4xx
STM32F7xx (BLU) (480x272)
Download GuilianiDemo for STM32F7xx